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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … City.

I grew up in The Bronx – a city. I had a wonderful childhood and never expected to leave, but God had other plans for my life. I hopped buses and walked among the crowds each day as I went to work.

My husband came from Massachusetts and it was with great relief that our first apartment did not seem very rural. There were sidewalks and I could easily walk wherever I needed to go.

When we bought our first home, we moved a bit further north, no sidewalks but it was just what was needed at that point in our lives.

Our next move took us to a little more spacious property. We still had neighbors but also plenty of woods behind us.

As silly as it sounds, our home is my refuge. It is where I watch the sun come up over our yard every morning. The birds, and the wild life which visits every now and again, have all brought delight and joy to our family.

It is where we have made memories, enjoyed good times, come together through the challenges and seen God grow our family.

At one time I truly thought I would never be able to live away from the city. The journey of life has shown me otherwise.

God, in His wisdom and goodness, knew exactly where I needed to live
in each and every stage of life.
And I do not miss the city at all!

“And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.”
(Acts 17:26, NASB)

He brought me forth also into a broad place; He rescued me, because He delighted in me.” (Psalm 18:19, NASB)


Photo by David Mancini on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Grace & Truth .