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The other day in was talking with a dear friend of many years,  she spoke the words I had been thinking, “Life is so hard.”

When we were moms of little ones, we thought those challenges were difficult. But now the years have passed, our children are grown, and life is hard in other ways; ways we had never anticipated.

In her latest book, Help, I’m Drowning, Sally Clarkson offers encouragement and hope in navigating the storms of life.

The book does not offer answers for individual situations but points us to the One who holds all the answers. Every chapter breathes words of grace and wisdom reminding us there is One who will always walk with us and see us through every storm in life.

Each chapter offers a reading, an anchoring prayer, an anchoring Scripture, an anchoring act, and room to journal one’s responses. The book is rich with stories, Scriptures, and quotes sure to bring encouragement along the way.

You will be reminded:

  • There is One who calms the storms and provides a way through and forward.
  • Storms come in many ways, but they are all temporary and will one day pass.
  • God will always provide the strength for the next step.
  • Nothing is wasted, but is used to develop character and wisdom which will bless those you meet along the way.

No matter what I have encountered in my life thus far, I know I would not have wanted to go through any challenge without the Lord in my life. Perhaps it’s the reason these words resonated deeply with me:

“To live only withing the mundane constrictions of daily life is not to be alive at all. Christian means “Christ in one.” When we live in Him, we are “in Christ Jesus.” When I learned this secret – owning the Holy Spirit’s strength in my life – I was transformed. I did not have to be perfect, I just had to walk with God, and trust Him, His Spirit, with my life. This is  the way I have learned to bear the storms that come my way – knowing His presence living and breathing through me, His Spirit leading me step by step.”

(from “Help, I’m Drowning”, by Sally Clarkson, page 32)

We cannot flourish or survive the storms of life apart from Christ. But with Christ something happens in the midst of the storm:

“We bring the storms of our lives down to size because we know with full assurance that righteousness and redemption of each precious moment prevails, because He will prevail.”

(from “Help, I’m Drowning”, by Sally Clarkson, page 235)

This is the hope we have, and it is found in the person of Jesus.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.(Romans 15:13, NASB)


*** I received this book from Bethany House Publishers. The opinions I have expressed are my own. This post contains affiliate links.  If you click through and make a purchase, I will receive a small percent at no additional cost to you.

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