A recent Saturday was just a normal day. As I lay with our granddaughter during naptime, the deep roll of thunder could be heard. Within a few minutes, it was upon us and it was not sounding like typical thunder at all.
And so, I sent a text:
“The thunder this afternoon is unlike any I have heard in a very long time. Makes me realize … God is God & I don’t think He is happy with planet earth right now. It has such an angry tone.”
It was a most sobering sound, then the rain and hail started.
Life is hard. Let’s just say it straight out. Sure, some days and circumstances are easier than others. We constantly wage a battle and push forward. We face struggles with varied degrees of stress, and with some amount of stress seemingly included in every day.
Holy Week and Easter brought a most precious reminder:
“Behold He comes, the risen one
Salvation is coming
Behold He comes, the shining Son
Redemption is calling
Behold the lamb who overcomes
Heaven’s champion, seated on the throne
Just hold on
The King is surely coming.”
Jesus spoke many things to His disciples, and to us, in those final days before His Crucifixion. Every word purposely spoken to keep us from stumbling:
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NKJV)
Other versions say:
- “but take courage” (NASB)
- “but take heart” (NLT)
- “be courageous” (HCSB)
One thing is clear – we will have troubles in this world. One thing is even clearer – Jesus has overcome the world and all we will encounter.
So what are we to do each day as we face obstacles?
We are to FIX our eyes on Jesus and His Cross.
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2, NASB)
We fix our eyes on Jesus by returning to the story, His Story, going back over and over again on His victory. We remember how He set His eyes on the road ahead, the Cross, and determined to get there. We bow low before Him, acknowledging our great need of Him, depending on His strength for each day.
And we return to read these words once again:
“Â I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]” (John 16:33, AMPC)
Jesus told us these things so we would have peace, so we would take courage and remain confident, so we would remember He has overcome and conquered the world – for each one of us!
I’m sharing two posts from last week’s link-up:
We’ve heard the word ‘deconstruction’. In her post, “Another Gospel?“, Barbara Harper encourages us to know what we believe, and be fully convinced of God’s truth, and not waver in our faith. You can read it HERE.
Lisa Burgess brings a wonderful post on contentment: “There’s something about receiving only enough for the day that keeps me coming back for more. It keeps me dependent on the mercy of God.” Read her post, “Just One Roll of Toilet Paper, OK?” HERE.
Come, sit a spell. Bring your coffee, your posts, and your thoughts. If you link up, kindly visit those who have drawn up a seat around you.
Photo by Alexandre Chambon on Unsplash
Today I am joining …
I love that word “fix.” We don’t glance at Him occasionally, but we fix our gaze on Him as we pray and spend time in His Word. That sets our thinking right in so many ways and encourages our faith and hope.
Yes! Only as we fix our eyes will we not become distracted by everything else around us. Thank you for adding that it sets our thinking right. I appreciated that!
I hiked the Grand Canyon on Easter Sunday, and as I toiled up from the river, the trail reminded me of the Via Dolorosa. I imagined Jesus struggling to put one foot in front of the other as he dragged the cross, puffs of dust swirling and settling on his bloodstained legs, hot sun crusting the wounds on his back. One step after the other. Trouble indeed. But by his sacrifice, he offers healing for MY wounds, forgiveness for MY sins. Climbing out of a canyon is nothing compared to his sacrifice. But it reminds me I can do hard things because Jesus has overcome the world.
Anita, I can only imagine the beauty of your hike; and it brought powerful thoughts. We truly cannot imagine the path our Lord endured and it was for us. May we remember all He bore so that we also would live and be able to overcome.
Love this, Joanne! Hebrews 12:1-2 are one of my favorite memory passages. I go to it often.
How much we need to keep our eyes on Him in this wind and storm tossed time we are living in as we remember the unseen Kingdom of which we are a part.
Fixed eyes is the only way we will remain steadfast and hope filled. Blessings!
Fix our eyes on Him. Amen. I pray we focus on Him in every moment.
Yes, every moment, focused on Him.
Love this thought Joanne, “One thing is clear ”“ we will have troubles in this world. One thing is even clearer ”“ Jesus has overcome the world and all we will encounter.” That is so comforting. I pray to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus.
Me too, Karen, me too. Only as our eyes stay fixed, we will maintain focus each day.
Thank you, Joanne for the encouragement here today! Hebrews 12:1-2 are among my memorized verses for comfort. Jesus knew exactly what He faced, the sorrow, agony and even despair on the cross, yet He endured them for the joy of redeeming us to be with Him forever.
Whatever trouble and brokeness we face here on earth we can know He understands, is with us and is coming again to take us to be with Him. Hallelujah!
Donna, this brings such peace. Knowing He fully understands brings strength to keep going each day!
I’m so thankful for this profound truth, “One thing is clear ”“ we will have troubles in this world. One thing is even clearer ”“ Jesus has overcome the world and all we will encounter.” I’m so thankful He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Joanne.
Fixing our eyes on Jesus…and remembering! Sounds so simple—but it is a lifelong journey isn’t it? Thank you!
I’m finding, Amy, it is often harder than it seems. We must be intentional and yes, it is lifelong. Every day.
I chose to feature Lisa’s roll of toilet paper post too. It really made me think about the scarcity mentality I have.
🙂 It was a thought provoking post for sure!
Joanne, thank goodness we are God’s kids. I’m so thankful for His faithfulness and love. And when life feels hard, we do exactly what you share here:
“We fix our eyes on Jesus by returning to the story, His Story, going back over and over again on His victory.”
Thanks for these beautiful reminders!
Amen! Life is difficult but He has conquered!
Joanne, I think it’s comforting that Jesus prepared us for what was coming in part by letting us know things won’t always be easy. Kind of like a parent who says, “It’s gonna get rough out here, but I’m here when you need me.” As you put it, he “told us these things so we would have peace, so we would take courage and remain confident.”
I’m grateful that Jesus left us that statement that we would have obstacles, but not to be deterred by them. Sometimes I do feel their weight too heavy on my own shoulders, so I appreciate the reminders to put my burdens on Jesus and keep my eyes fixed on him! Thanks for sharing my post. Trusting God with my daily needs is another battle. But again, God is faithful!