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As for me, You uphold me in my integrity, And set me before Your face forever.”
(Psalm 41:12, NKJV)

“To have integrity means to have character. Integrity is the opposite of duplicity. A person who practices duplicity is a hypocrite, a pretender. Integrity means to have one heart and one mind and to serve one master. It means not being divided, not always changing …

God knows us by our character, whereas people judge us by our conduct. When we become more worried about conduct rather than about our character, our conduct starts to down the wrong road. Conduct and reputation are closely related, but neither guarantees good character …

Not only does God see us, but we also see Him. “Set me before Your face forever” (v. 12). That is what gives us integrity: knowing that we’re walking, living, thinking, and speaking before the face of God … Integrity unites, so it helps us put our lives together.

Today, let’s walk in integrity before the face of God.”

(from Prayer, Praise & Promises by Warren W. Wiersbe, page 111)


** This week I’ve pondered a great deal about integrity and character. What does it mean to have these qualities? Can they be seen in our lives?


Photo: by David Tommasino
Today I am joining … Scripture & a Snapshot .