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The book of Romans continues to be a powerful journey …

Our first reading was Romans 5:1-2. The topic = Salvation.

There were so many powerful thoughts in the study (Romans: The Gospel of Grace by The Daily Grace Co.), but this one stood out:

“The greatest gift of salvation is the Giver Himself, and every other gift flows from Him.”

(from page 98)

That one sentence brought to mind James 1:17: “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”

Everything we receive in life flows from the person of Jesus Christ.

Paul shifts our focus to the grace which we have been given.

“The grace of God is not for the moment of salvation alone – it is the bedrock of our faith … We are saved by grace. We stand on grace. We walk in grace.” (from page 99)

It is overwhelming to think of the grace which floods our lives every day, all day, throughout the day. His grace is not only poured out on our lives, but it makes a way for us to live each day in God’s presence. His grace is ever with us.

How does thinking of God’s grace at work in your life in this way, change the way you think of God’s grace? How does it change your daily life?


Mid week we focused on Romans 5:6-8. The reading is titled “The Initiating Love of God.”

Initiating >>> “to begin; set going; originate” (from

Lest we take any credit for our relationship with God, He did it all. From the start. He originated the plan. He started the relationship with each one of us. He continues the plan.

I needed this reminder, perhaps so do you.

The day Christ was on the Cross, when the day went black like midnight, it was so we would have the Light of Jesus Christ in our lives.

There is not a day we have to live without His Light shed abroad in our lives.

The plan of salvation may not make sense to the world. Some have said surely God could have found another way. Maybe He could have, I don’t know.

Nothing makes sense any more. I find myself scratching my head trying to make sense of the news and events. When nothing makes sense, we can look to the Cross, to Jesus. This is where we find our hope, for it is where we find Jesus.

The study asks: What do these verses teach you about the way God loves His people?

I found myself humming and the lyrics which were going through my head were:

“At the cross, at the cross
I surrender my life
I’m in awe of You
I’m in awe of You
Where Your love ran red
And my sin washed white
I owe all to You
I owe all to You Jesus.”


We closed the week with Romans 5:12-14.

“Through one man.”

Through one man, Adam, sin fell on every human who ever has lived and will live.

Through one man, Jesus, came forgiveness of sin, and hope of life eternal.

Right there, in the beginning, in the garden, we see God’s grace beginning to cover sin. God’s grace has always been active and redeeming man from himself, from his own sinful self.

Read Genesis 3:21 and how God clothed them. This is the first picture of an atoning sacrifice.

May we be struck by the grace of God. At the garden, He was already thinking of each one of us. At the garden, He made provision for each one of us.

Through one man.


The Cross – the bedrock of our faith.
The Cross – where we find hope and life makes sense.
The Cross – where God redeems everything.


Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
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