Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Instant.
Earlier this week, I read a news article which stated a person was suing a well known maker of microwave mac-n-cheese. It seems the box falsely advertised it would be cooked in 3 1/2 minutes. It took a minute longer.
It wasn’t instant enough.
Instant >> “succeeding without any interval of time; prompt; immediate; in a moment” (dictionary.com).
We want everything in an instant. The problem lies with us though, not the product.
We just don’t like to wait.
In this time of Advent, we are a waiting people. We are waiting to celebrate the birth of Christ. Mary and Joseph ventured to Bethlehem to take part in the required census being taken in those days.
Although they knew she was pregnant, they had no knowledge of the exact point in time their baby would arrive into this world.
It was an ordinary day, which in an instant, changed our world forever.
In this time of Advent, we are a waiting people. We are waiting and anticipating the return of Christ, as our King.
“Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, NASB)
It will be an ordinary day,
which in an instant,
will change our world forever.
Photo by Alain Gehri on Unsplash
Today I may be joining …
Joanne, this is beautiful. I love how God is instant in His goodness changing us forever. “It will be an ordinary day,
which in an instant,
will change our world forever.”
Much appreciated, Deborah. I love how this season of Advent shifts our focus to His coming and His coming again. What an instant that will be!
Yeah, I saw that mac-and-cheese article this week, Joanne. Eyeroll. Do people not have anything better to do with their time and energy?
It is amazing how instantly people jump to lawsuits. May we keep our focus on the one instant which will change everything!
Amen, and amen. I love your phrase ‘a waiting people.’ We must keep that in mind because we also want everything to happen immediately. Christians aren’t immune from hurry. Your post makes me ponder our one word for the year. I’m asking myself if I’ve become a waiting person.
Anita, it has been amazing to me how this season of Advent has caused our word to have deeper meaning. We are not immune to hurry. Sometimes I think we are more prone to it. May we become a waiting people, patiently waiting for Him to come and move in our day.
I really want my Mac and Cheese,
I really want it now,
and so explain it, if you please
the where and why and how
it could take a minute longer
than it says on the box.
Need I a microwave that’s stronger,
or is it just that money talks
and it’s plain false advertising,
assuming no complaint?
It should not be too surprising
that I really ain’t
gonna be the meek accepting sort,
and so I shall see you in court.
Andrew, how you made me laugh. It seems “so I shall see you in court” has become most acceptable these days. As for me, I don’t like microwave mac-n-cheese. Give me the old fashioned blue box 🙂
Haha. You have such a great sense of humor, Andrew. Thanks for the laugh.
It’s amazing that with all the time-saving devices we have, we’re even more impatient. It seems like we’d be the opposite. Yet I find impatience in myself as well, especially when something takes “too long” on the computer.
God has so much to teach us in waiting. His timing is perfect.
So very true, Barbara. Seems we need the reminder on a yearly basis, some of us on a daily basis 🙂 But when we wait on Him, we discover … the wait was worth it!
A beautiful reminder, Joanne, that we wait expectantly for Him!
Much appreciated, Lisa. Have a wonderful weekend!
We sure aren’t very good at waiting any more, and we need Advent to remind us how to do it! I love that thought that the change God makes in us is instant though – instant and lifelong at the same time. Visiting from FMF#6
You made me think even more, Kym. He truly does change us in an instant, to work in us all of our lives, to then once again, change us in an instant. He so patiently waits as we become more like Him.
Amen! Thank you for these beautiful reminders! I am joining you in looking up and waiting for His coming!
Advent is a wonderful time reminding us to slow down and maybe even enjoy the waiting. With everything being almost instant, or if it isn’t we get impatient, we need this reminder. Not only do we need to remember the Lord’s first coming, but the reminder that He will return. We don’t know when, but He says to watch and be ready. That means we wait, yet we don’t wait passively, we continue to work for His kingdom as long as we can. He is the most patient of all, as He continues to sustain us and wait before He comes. Blessings to you! xo
Love this post and the reminders, Joane.
I had not heard about the mac and cheese incident, and Andrew’s response made me laugh. People can act so crazy sometimes.
Yes, we should be a waiting people, an expectant, patient people. Lord have mercy on us and forgive us. Have just spent a few weeks studying Abraham and his 25 year wait for the son promised to him.
But God is never late. He is always perfectly on time. #8