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Guide – my One Word for 2023. As I go through my days, I look for where the word may appear – a quote, a verse, or a song. It often shows up in the most unexpected of ways.

When it does, it makes me think a little more deeply, focusing and straining to hear what God is speaking.

There it was, appearing in the middle of the word, and not quite as one would expect –


Misguided is defined as being misled or mistaken. These days we are living in are misguided and constantly shifting. Nothing is quite the same as it was before.

There are new challenges constantly barraging us. In typing those words, the promise comes to mind and I find myself turning to read:

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5, NASB)

We must allow God, His Word, and His Spirit to guide us or we, too, will join the ranks of the misguided.

But as we let Him guide us, something more takes place in us – we grow. The challenges, difficulties, and circumstances we thought would overwhelm us actually produce a growth in us we would not have experienced otherwise.

“Our will must die. Our desire to rush through hard seasons must die. Our belief that we’re in charge here must die. Our demands. Our misguided plans. Our selfish ambitions. All of it must die.”

(from Growing Slow by Jennifer Dukes Lee, page 43)

The daily challenges we face are permitted by our God,
who loves us too deeply to leave us on our misguided path.
The daily challenges guide us back to rely on Him alone.


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
Today I am joining … One Word 2023 .