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These psalms were sobering to read in light of current world events. And yet, they fill us with hope, for God will be faithful to His Word and promises.

Psalm 76

God is known in Judah; His name is great in Israel.” (verse 1, NASB)

From the beginning of this Psalm, we see the writer stating God is known to His people, and His name is great in Israel.

God had pursued His people, displaying His power, protection, and provision to them and through these acts, He had come to be known.

As we continue through this psalm, we see the enemies of God’s people were not able to stand against the plans of God. His plans always prevail and will do so, even today and in each of our lives.

“The God who is known to us also fights our battles, and the God who fights our battles will win those battles and use every moment of our lives for His glory.”

(from Seek by The Daily Grace Co., page 80)

These words should fill us with hope – hope that there is nothing which occurs for nothing. It all has purpose, and serves a purpose – His purposes – and He will redeem every battle.

The study asks: How does this psalm encourage you to trust God?


Psalm 78

It was the opening of this psalm which caused me to pause:

“Listen, O my people, to my instruction; Incline your ears to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth …” (NASB)

If we would only listen and incline our ears, God would open His mouth and speak.

We are no different today than they were then.

May we humble ourselves before God in utter dependence upon Him. May we trust Him and not forget His absolute faithfulness to His people, to us. May we share God’s truths to the next generation so that they too may cling to Him.

We need to know the past so that we have a truth-filled reality moving into the future. May looking back remind us of two things:

  • Our failures and
  • God’s faithfulness.

God has been ever faithful to His Word, and ever compassionate to His people. All that He does is rooted in those two attributes toward us.

Nothing in our past, no sin, has changed His love and sacrifice for us.

My commentary shared this prayer:

“God, according to your infinite grace, forgive us our many sins committed against you. As you have so faithfully shown grace in the past, show grace in this present hour. We thank you that where our sin has abounded, so your grace more than abounded. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

(from The Holman Old Testament Commentary, Vol. 12, page 19)

The study asks: What actions do you see the people taking in this psalm? What actions is God taking in this psalm?

“The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” (Romans 5:20, NASB)

May we be ever grateful for His grace.


Psalm 80

Revive us, and we will call upon Your name. O Lord God of hosts, restore us; Cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved.” (verses 18-19, NASB)

I was struck with two words. The first being “restoration”. The dictionary defines this as renewal, revival, or reestablishment.

The second word was “restore”. This is defined as to bring back to a former or normal condition.

As I have watched events unfolding, I have been humbled as I remember it is because of Israel’s rejection of Christ that we have been grafted into the vine.

Looking back at the two words above, I have questioned – What do we need to do? What are we to be doing in these times we are living? I can only come up with a few thoughts:

  • Share the Word and Christ as opportunities present themselves. We also need pastors and leaders who can share the full counsel of God’s Word. Not watered down. Not entertaining. But those who can present God’s Word so that it is practical and applicable and encouraging and infusing strength into our souls.
  • We need to obey God’s Word. We need to submit and obey as the Lord reveals His Word to us. We need to repent where we have strayed, returning to the commands and principles we know to be true and founded upon Scripture.

The study asks: In what ways is God our shepherd?

When I think of God as our Shepherd, I see Him with a crook gently pulling us back into place so that He can guide us, and enabling us to walk with Him. He desires to bring about restoration, bringing us back to our intended place and condition, reviving our souls once again.


Our God will redeem every battle,
His grace abounding ever more
as He revives and restores us to Himself.


Image 1: by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay
Image 2: by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay
Photo 3: by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Today I may be joining … Tell His Story and InstaEncouragements .