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“Let every heart prepare Him room.”

The words from the Christmas song echo in my mind. How many times will we hear those words during this Advent season?

Christmas Day, no matter the day of the week upon which it falls, is like a Sabbath Day.

“The Sabbath is still away but the thought of its imminent arrival stirs in the heart a passionate eagerness to be ready and worthy to receive it.”

(from “The Sabbath” by Abraham Joshua Heschel, page 65)

The Sabbath is to be dedicated to worshiping God. It is to be a day set apart, different from the other six days of the week. Rabbi Heschel continues:

“It is incumbent on every man to be very, very zealous in making the Sabbath day preparations, to be prompt and diligent as a man who has heard that the queen is coming to lodge at his house, or that the bride and her entire entourage are coming to his home. What would such a man do?”

(from “The Sabbath” by Abraham Joshua Heschel, page 65)

How do we approach the day? How will we approach this Christmas Day?


As the music is playing softly in the background, again the thought comes, “Let every heart prepare Him room.” Join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE as we continue to think about how we will approach and prepare our hearts for this Christmas Day.


Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay