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Opening to Psalm 126, I read the heading in my Bible: Remembrance of past blessing.

Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed,but they sing as they return with the harvest.” (Psalm 126:5-6, NLT)

There is powerful purpose in remembering the many things God has done in our lives. for when we forget the past, we forget and/or overlook (or minimize) what God can yet do.

As we remember and express our hope in what God can yet do, others will notice how we are placing our hope in God.

Our families, friends, co-workers, and neighbors need to see this at work in our lives so they, too, will find hope when they are discouraged.

Regarding the psalmist:

“He has hope that those who go out weeping will come back with joy, carrying with them the abundance of harvest that their seeds have sown.”


(from Trust, by The Daily Grace Co., page 43)

These words caused me to question  – What seeds am I sowing?

The harvest comes from the seeds we sow.

The planting of seeds, in the hearts of people who have wandered away, is hard and prolonged work. A daily tending of watering, weeding, and fertilizing takes place and often goes unnoticed. One may even wonder if the hard work will yield a result as the days stretch on.

From the above mentioned study, three needed actions were pointed out as being necessary:

  • We must remember what God has done.
  • We must respond to what He has done.
  • We must hope He will cause our lives to reap blessing.

We plant our seeds with weeping.
Then one day those hearts return to God’s truth,
restoring joy and celebration in our hearts.

We can so easily jump to conclusions, and often those conclusions can be incorrect. When grace is offered, we never forget the lesson learned. In her post, Don’t Jump to Conclusions (HERE), Lisa Burgess reminds us “to jump quicker to grace and tread slower to conclusions.”




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Photo by Nine Köpfer on Unsplash