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Life is full of difficulties and adversities, all of which play critical roles in our lives. Some people allow their hardships to embitter or bring them down. Others use those very adversities to cause them to become stronger and rise above.

51xJYV-26NL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_I recently had the pleasure of reading Catch A Star by Tamika Catchings, a three time Gold Medalist and WNBA All-Star. To be honest, it wasn’t her accolades which caused my admiration as much as her character and ability to overcome in spite of all she faced.

As a young girl growing up, she struggled with hearing loss having to wear hearing aids, which brought much teasing from other  kids. Embarrassment and bullying were a regular part of her school days, to the point, she often wished she did not have to attend. There was also the anguish of her parents’ divorce which brought separation not only from a parent but division between herself and her siblings.

Tamika shares with an honesty which reveals her struggles while still honoring and respecting everyone. Her strength and character as a young woman is a shining testament to who she is as a person.

Tamika includes quotes from basketball coaches and players which enrich the experience of reading the book. One comes to quickly recognize the names and realizes, life for Tamika was lived among those who played the best and also, expected the best from her.

Tamika tells of her experiences, both on and off the court, which are sure to inspire basketball fans or not. Throughout the book, she shares of important lessons learned along the way:

  • “We are each gifted in a special way. God made us with some aspect of his own image, and we are, in our own unique way, God’s work of art.”
  • “God was there, answering my prayers. I realized that, in fact, it wasn’t basketball that got me through..”
  • “I think God dares us to step out in our own in life. He’s saying, “Trust me, I’ve got you.” As you do so, yes, there can be doubt (sure was for me), but you find out God has given you what you need to succeed. Not just in basketball but also in life.”
  • “The toughest thing for a player is to miss shots … practice the discipline of doing it the right way, using the right form, following the sequence of shooting that ultimately works best.”
  • “God’s way of living life is what best for us. But sometimes we have to go through his discipline to get there. We have to relearn how to live, get away from bad habits, and practice the life he has for us.”
  • “This has been a journey like no other.”


This is an enjoyable memoir sure to motivate any reader to reach for their own dream, no matter the obstacles.

You can read more about and by Tamika Catchings online:
Twitter: @catchthestars24


*** I received a copy of this book from Revell for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. This post contains an affiliate link.

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