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John Bunyan

While I have read the book Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, I must admit I hardly knew much about his life. In her book, John Bunyan, Simonetta Carr brings a wonderful narrative of this preacher and author. John Bunyan – a rebellious youth, am author, a...

Gracie’s Garden

Every once in a while a children’s book is published that captures the hearts of children and parents alike. Gracie’s Garden by Lara Casey is just the book which will do so. Come along with Gracie, her sister Sarah, and brother Joshua and discover precious...

Becoming Sage

We all know and recognize that we are growing older. With the recent virus crisis, and discovering I would fall into the “vulnerable” category, did I then begin to think more about this aging process. With so many challenges and decisions facing us all, my...

Befriending Your Monsters

My daughter shared just the other day of our granddaughter having had a rough night getting to sleep due to fear of “ghosts”. She logically presented how she knew there was no such thing. Yet due to a video she had seen during the day, when she closed her...

These Nameless Things

I am not much of a fiction reader. Not sure why as I do love fiction. It’s just that when given the time, I’d rather read non-fiction. And then I read this wonderful fiction book and thought to myself, “I really need to read more fiction.”...

Books: One for Adults & One for Kids

Two books landed in my mailbox lately – one for adults and one for kids. Both make for wonderful summer reading if anyone is looking to add to their reading list. We all want to be happy and we start pursuing happiness from a young age. Yet happiness can only...