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God’s Forever Love

God is love. We hear it often, perhaps even say it. It is such a simple statement, yet the most powerful of all statements. God loves us for ourselves, and not for anything we can do or give Him. We cannot cause God to love us more, or less, than He already does. Yet...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Endure. Upon seeing the word prompt, Psalm 136 comes to mind. It is there we find the words, “His loved endures forever”. Those...

5: The Love of Family, Friends & God

This was another busy week which flew by. It wasn’t so quick as to keep me from finding a few favorites …. 1) Valentine’s Day was last weekend. In this post, we find these words shared, “We all need a love that’s bigger, more infinite,...