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Cast It All

My thoughts seems to have latched onto the idea of one word and one verse. The word stuck in my thoughts lately has been: CAST “Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7, NASB) Such a familiar verse. Seriously. Like how many...

Look At The Birds

As I write this, it is early morning and the windows are opened. The rain is gently falling and the sweet sound of birds chirping is filling my ears. My soul is reminded to trust God in all things: “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in...

He Holds My Worries

I am a woman. So I worry a lot. Or perhaps that is the excuse I use. But I am sharing the truth with you. I do worry. Over the years, I have lost sleep as I worried about…. making ends meet having children raising them in today’s world my children walking...