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Every Season

The calendar tells me the seasons are beginning to change. The leaves are showing signs of color and are crisp under our feet. The air is beginning to get cooler at night, making us settle in under our blankets. The days are getting shorter. With this change of...

Worship Him in the Change of Seasons

I was heading up the highway, my music blaring and singing the words I have come to just love. It was a dark and dreary day as the rain was coming down hard. It was against the darkness of the sky in the midday, that I noticed the vibrant colors of the trees. They...

Through & Becoming

I had just finished giving her a bottle. Now I was free to sit and watch her. Just sit and take in all of her sweetness before me. I love holding her with her head by my knees so she is facing me and we can have eye to eye contact as we converse. Sure, it’s...

Lessons From A Prodigal

Lately my thoughts have brought me to read the story of the prodigal son. Today I am sharing a post from 2014 … The story of the prodigal son. We all have heard it. The son who has taken for granted all that has been given to him. The father who keeps watch...

Change & Focus

“There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.” (2 Corinthians 4:18, MSG) It isn’t just clothing styles that change during our times....