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Three Steps to Making Right Choices

‘Choices’ can be defined as a variety of options or alternatives. While I do enjoy knowing my choices, I do not enjoy choosing. It’s often easier to be told what to do than to actually make the decision. It eliminates the chance of making a mistake....

Staying On Track

Choices. We are faced with them from the moment the alarm goes off in the morning …. Get out of bed or hit the snooze button? Socks, slippers or barefoot? Coffee or tea? Email or devotional? Pancakes or yogurt? The choices come at us right from the start of our...

Remembering Mr. Rogers

This morning Facebook reminded me of a post from 2013. I loved Mr. Rogers as did many of you. Here is an edited version of the original post …. I first discovered Mister Rogers when I had my first born. She was born the summer of 1981. I am not sure exactly when...

Let’s Try

“We learn how to create beauty where none exists, how to be generous beyond our means, how to change a small corner of the world …” ~ Gabrielle Hamilton In the course of a day, life happens. Life happens to us and through the things which take place,...
Make the Choice

Make the Choice

The bushes around our house have grown unbelievably this summer. They thoroughly enjoyed the heat and humidity of July much more than I. I kept waiting for a cooler or dryer day to do the trimming and no such day seemed to exist this month. So with reluctance, I...