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Shepherds, Sheep & Me

The words came back in a rush, filling my thoughts. I knew them well. How many times had I quoted them? In church services. At funerals. At Bible Studies. Familiarity can rob at times. It robs the depth of meaning as we repeat the familiar so casually. Our minds can...

Talk About Grace

Grace. We talk about it a lot. For a few days now, I have been compiling a list of quotes from various sources on grace. May they bless you & speak to your heart deeply about the grace of God…. “Grace means you’re in a different universe from...

A Prayer For Fathers

I have loved the teaching of Chuck Swindoll for years. I thought this was a beautiful prayer to share today on Father’s Day. A Prayer for Fathers by Charles R. Swindoll A father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows, Is God in His holy habitation. God...