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Always We Begin Again

Life. We know it can only be lived one day, one step, one moment at a time. “The path appears as we walk, one step at a time … The path does not arise or clarify because we run faster, think harder, or work more efficiently. The path arises and clarifies...

Settle My Soul

As a woman it can be challenging to find a few moments each day to get alone with God and settle your soul. The daily demands always call us to do yet another chore, or run somewhere else. Settle My Soul by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk brings 100 quiet devotionals to...

God Our Anchor

No family is ever safe from the attack of drug addiction. Addiction not only affects the user but also the family and friends. It is a heart wrenching problem which will toss us to and fro if we do not secure ourselves to God, who alone is our anchor. In her book God...

Whispers and Wildflowers

The very cover of Whispers and Wildflowers by Sarah Beth Marr brought a desire to my heart to slow down, open the cover, and read her words. Having already read her first book, Dreaming With God, I knew her words would make me pause and be still with God’s Word....

Fixing My Eyes On Jesus

Fixing My Eyes On Jesus: Daily Moment In His Word is a beautifully written devotional by Anne Graham Lotz. Having read several of her books, I knew this devotional would be a wonderful addition to my morning time. Each month begins with a quote by Mrs. Charles E....