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Lay Our Lists Aside

Lay Our Lists Aside

Do you take notes? I admit I am a note-taker. I took notes in school and still take them in Bible Study, and during the sermon, and sometimes during a phone call. A stenopad might be seen on my counter so that it is always handy. As I prepare for vacation, I began to...
Focused & Balanced

Focused & Balanced

“I just cannot take another thing happening. Too much going on at once.” Those were the words I heard from the other end of the phone. There are surely days we all have felt the very same way. We stuff our emotions down until the tears behind our eyes are like a...

Distractions, Entanglements & Thirst

Last week was our last week in the devotional, Becoming a Woman Who Walks With God by Cynthia Heald. I highly recommend the book. ~*~*~ We started the week reading Psalm 119:37; Genesis 3:6; and Psalm 119:14. It’s easy for material things to vie for our...

Using Our Days Wisely

That the desires of the heart are to examined and governed “My Son, thou hast still many things to learn, which thou has not well learned yet.” What are they, Lord? (The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis, The Third Book,  Chapter 11, page 65) There is much...

Focus and Distractions

“But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” (John 12:32, NIV) We must stay so intently focused on the King of kings that when distractions come, we are not moved! For when our eyes are fixed on Him, we exalt Him, and others...