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Calling Out Mean Girls

Over the last week, I followed a story that unfolded on twitter through a woman I follow. I know that I am not informed on all the details as I did not witness the incident but somehow that is not the point. I hope you will continue reading & see what I...

Weeds, Roots & Growth

Spring time. A favorite time of year. Everything begins to bud. Things spring to life. I have found myself with the task of finding a landscaper to come & help with spring clean-up & weekly lawn mowing. The process has caused me to think about one word –...

Lessons From A Frog

We all know the story about the frog & water. A frog placed in boiling water will immediately jump out. But if you place that same frog in cold water, heating the water gradually, he will stay in that water happy as can be & doze. It is said, that the frog...