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His Plans

Those first believers were a odd bunch to bring together and so representative of all of us. They were able to face challenges and difficulties most of us would run from and yet as we read their stories, we find encouragement and inspiration to live our lives. For...

Soul Talk

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him yet again – my Savior and my God! (Psalm 42:11, NLT) The psalmist often gave his soul a talking to when he found himself down. The psalmist had confidence in...

There is a Plan

This is an edited version of an older post …. Sometimes life can be overwhelming. It just seems like there is so much going in the same week, sometimes in the same day. When those times come upon us, we often question: “Where is God in all this?” “Can He...

Plans, Hearts & Whales

This week started an online study of the book of Jonah. You know the one – the fish story. I have heard this story so many times, starting from very young being in Sunday School. And yet, there was more to be learned …. God gave Jonah a very specific task...

Decisions, Plans & Intents

Decisions. I so dislike them having to make them as I want to make them wisely and do what is right before God. And so it brings struggle … I don’t do the dry fleece, wet ground and dry ground, wet fleece as I don’t have a fleece in sight. Not...