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Something Brand-New

  A quick scroll through Facebook reveals photos of children all heading back to school. Each child with their new clothes, new shoes, and their new backpacks filled with new supplies are starting a new year. Stomachs are filled with butterflies as we all...

He’s Already Begun

The start of a new year brings a time of reflection for many. We look back over the last year, taking stock of the areas we fell short, in an effort to plan differently moving forward. The thought process is to have a better year, not to make the same mistakes, and to...
Life From Death

Life From Death

It was a rainy July 4th here for us. So we did exactly what seemed to come naturally on a stormy day – we bunkered down to watch TV. But not any programs. This time we pulled out the old family videos. Those early years of our family life paraded past us –...

A New Beginning

There are those times in which life just doesn’t turn out the way we anticipated. Disappointment – we have all faced it in life. Perhaps in different circumstances. Perhaps more than once. It can come wrapped in many ways, throughout out lives  …....