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Exclusively for God

“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.” (John 4:23, NASB) “The decalogue opens with God’s claim to exclusive worship...

Advent Brings Us Back to Basics

Christmas. It feels like I’ve been in preparation for two months. And this may be because it has been just that long. I am in the middle of doing Max Lucado’s Advent devotional, “Because of Bethlehem”, for the second time since the end of...

Worship Changes Everything

The music quickly filled the car … “Give me eyes to see More of who You are May what I behold, Still my anxious heart. Take what I have known And break it all apart For You my God, are greater still.” Those seven lines I play over and over, letting...