by Joanne | Aug 8, 2023 | Let's Have Coffee
As I shared in June in this post, every once in a while I read a few pages from my Mr. Rogers book, as there is always a lesson to be learned from him. These are the words I’m pondering lately: “We’re all neighbors. Everybody’s different. And...
by Joanne | Oct 20, 2015 | 31 Questions Jesus Asked
Neighbors. They sure can bring out the best, or the worst, in any of us. They can be difficult to get along with or a delight to see each day. We often define neighbor as those living on each side of our own home, or at the very least, in close proximity. Jesus, in...
by Joanne | Jun 19, 2014 | Devoted Living
Love. It can be the easiest thing we do on any given day. It can also bring us the most challenges. One look at my granddaughters and you know, loving them comes easy to me. Sure there are challenging days when they drive me crazy but love them – never a...