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A Good Man

Yesterday was a low key day. Just restful. Straightening up. A good long nap in the afternoon. I thought of how blessed I am to have my husband who made Christmas Day work so much easier with all the help he gave. And that is what made me wonder about another man....

All The Eggs

We all do it at one time or another. We put all our hope in one person. One job. One career. One position. One investment. One church. One ministry. One friend. We all do it. We put all our eggs in one basket. We have all heard the idiomatic phrase, “Don’t...

Invisible Protection

I listened as my son described what could have been a horrible car accident. Knowing that he is not given to exaggeration, I knew the description was a mild account of what actually had transpired. For the rest of the afternoon, my mind recounted the details realizing...