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Words Pleasant as a Honeycomb

During April vacation, we were able to spend more time together as an extended family. We cooked, we baked, we barbequed, and shared meals together. All of these activities also included much conversation. During the course of various conversations, it quickly became...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Like. “Like” – to be the same as, to have the same character. This is the definition which first came to mind;...

Words Like Honey

It was one of those days in which I had one ball too many to juggle. Truth be known, juggling may not be my “gifting”. The email I had been waiting for came at a time when my attention was concentrated elsewhere. I should have left the email unread in my...

"I’ve Missed You"

Words are a funny thing. We throw them around all day long – in conversations of small talk and in those of deep meaning. Sometimes are words spill out before we even think about what we are saying. Other times, we mull the words around in our head, like a...

Lessons From Phil

Groundhog Day. For some reason, I have always enjoyed reading about Punxsutawney Phil and his shadow predicting methods. Now trust me, I know there is no way the furry rodent, similar to the ones living under my shed, can accurately tell us how many more weeks of...