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Questions, Doubts, and Answers

Devotional books have a unique way of speaking into our current lives, even though they may have been written years ago. They have a way of reminding us that nothing escapes the eye of God. Not a single blessed thing. The enemy whispers his dirty little lies in which...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … How. The last few months have brought more questions than answers as of late. Several crises colliding in our country and world have left...

Our Doubts and Questions

Doubts. We all have them, we don’t like them, and are embarrassed to admit them. Doubt has been defined as “distrust; to be uncertain”; the definition quite similar in both a world and Bible dictionaries. I wrote these words to a friend the other...


Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … More. The word “more” brings the thought of greater, to a higher degree, or a higher quantity. The psalmist comes to a point in life where he...

“What if …?”

I’m a question sort of person, constantly asking questions in my head. I am not always seeking a quick answer, but find merely the asking of a question causes me to think more deeply. The question I am most fond of is: “What if … ?”. Most often...