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He Calls Us Saints

He Calls Us Saints

Do you think of yourself in terms of a saint? This is our identity in Jesus and yet I don’t think I remember this often enough. “To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling, with all who in...

We Are Chosen Saints

For the next seven weeks, I will be sharing lessons learned from the Bible Study, Chosen: A Study on the book of Ephesians, by The Daily Grace Co. Click on the title to see more about it – I am not an affiliate – just sharing for the sake of ease. We began...


“Our lives can and must disrupt the ways of the world, unveiling a new way to be human.” (Saints by Addison Bevere, page 222) In his book, Saints, Addison Bevere encourages us to remember who we are in and through Christ – Saints. Saints is a term...