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He Will Not Forget Us  {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

He Will Not Forget Us {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

It’s been days of returning to the prophets and reading their words. Yesterday I shared Habakkuk’s words (HERE) and the way his words point to the unchanging qualities of our God. He is wise, just, faithful, eternal, and always at work. This morning...
God Redeems, Revives & Restores

God Redeems, Revives & Restores

These psalms were sobering to read in light of current world events. And yet, they fill us with hope, for God will be faithful to His Word and promises. Psalm 76 “God is known in Judah; His name is great in Israel.” (verse 1, NASB) From the beginning of...

Faith, Trust & Victory

We need reminders to keep praying and trusting until the Lord brings us through. Psalm 56 “In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid.” (Psalm 56:11, NASB) The heading for this chapter in my Bible reads “Prayer for Relief and Reliance upon...

Don’t Lose Heart

The words stand out … “So please don’t lose heart because of my trials here.” (Ephesians 3:13a, NLT) If we were to be truly honest with ourselves, it is so easy to lose heart. “To lose heart” is defined as ”to give up; to give into trouble; to become...

Our Justifier, Salvation & Solid Rock

The book of Romans has brought much encouragement over the last week with Romans 3:24-31 being a powerful place to pick up again. Justification is more than just forgiveness. It is a slate continually wiped clean, freeing us from what we truly deserve. Every single...