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Do You Have Character?

“As for me, You uphold me in my integrity, And set me before Your face forever.” (Psalm 41:12, NKJV) “To have integrity means to have character. Integrity is the opposite of duplicity. A person who practices duplicity is a hypocrite, a pretender....

Of Humility, Heirs, and Character

“Do nothing from selfishness empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3, NASB) Humility – I’m not sure it is a quality much admired anymore. Most want to be important,...

Getting Into God’s Stride

“Enoch walked with God … ” (Genesis 5:24) “The test of a person’s spiritual life and character is not what he does in the extraordinary moments of life, but what he does during the ordinary times when there is nothing tremendous or...

Mountaintops Make Us

“Jesus took … them up a high mountain to be alone.” (Mark 9:2, NLT) “We have all experienced times of exultation on the mountain, when we have seen things from God’s perspective and have wanted to stay there. But God will never allow us...


Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Your. Your … “a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective” ( With that definition...