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Jesus, Only Jesus

Friendship is such a gift. Morning time, with a seminarian friend, brings such precious thoughts each time we connect. She has stretched me as she gently shares and affirms and loves. One morning the book put the following question before us to discuss: “The...


The Five Minute Friday prompt this week is … Abandon. You can click at the bottom of this post to get to Kate Motaung’s site and read all that has been shared on this word. defines ‘abandon’ as “to leave completely and finally;...

In The Dark

As some of you may have figured out, I have watched each of my granddaughters full time from the time they were born. Thankfully, my daughter is a teacher in a small Christian school so I get plenty of time “off”. School re-opened before Labor Day here....


It’s Friday!!! I’m joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt. Five minutes. No editing. Many of us writing on that same word. Today’s prompt is … Haven. I quickly looked for the definition … “a harbor or port; any place of...
Day 21: Remain Unoffended

Day 21: Remain Unoffended

So how is it that a morning Bible Study and The Circle Maker can cross paths? Seriously, only God can work the timing as such … Ever feel like the prayers of everyone else seem to get answered but yours? It can often make us feel exasperated with God. In Matthew...