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An Act of Faith

“Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” (Psalm 55:22, NASB) “One translation read, “Cast what he has given thee upon the Lord.” Burdens are not accidents but appointments....

Never Shaken

Yesterday was a morning of high winds and downpours, bringing new challenges to these covid days for many – power outages. Power outages mean no way to access remote learning or for school buildings to operate with lights, AC, or computers. The days are...
Roll It Onto Him

Roll It Onto Him

There’s been a lot on my mind lately. Much to sort through, to keep organized, to seek answers for and to understand. I said to my husband the other night, “I’m tired” and yet it wasn’t a physical tiredness but one of the mind and...

Bring It

I went to church as so many of us did yesterday. As I readied for my day today, my thoughts weaved back over the service as I asked myself, “What was my takeaway yesterday?” It’s a small, traditional church we are attending these days. There is a...