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This Special House

Psalm 132, the thirteenth Song of Ascents, brings us to look and think about the temple ”“ God’s house. “What makes God’s house so special is not the building or the architectural style or the materials. What truly counts is the spiritual reality of what...

Of Commercials, Super Bowls & Kids

I am not a sports fan. I will freely & openly admit this so please do not get mad at what I am about to share. Not being a fan, I will still usually watch the Super Bowl as the commercials are entertaining or funny. So maybe I am upset about is because it came on...

Mistaken Identity

One of the reasons that Ezra writes to the Jews who had returned to Jerusalem was to remind them to retain & protect their “Jewishness”, if you would. He exhorted them to remain pure in their beliefs, their commitments & their covenant with God....