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We’re the Same {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

It’s been several years now, yet the experience has not been forgotten. For some reason, the day came flooding back into my thoughts recently. We sat in the waiting area which was quickly becoming a familiar part of our Wednesdays. She and I. We could probably...

No Shadowboxing

It’s Monday morning once again and I think I have spent some late nights this weekend watching the Olympics. It is amazing to hear the back stories of the athletes – the struggles, obstacles, and heartbreaks which they had to overcome to get to the place they...

We’re The Same …Guest Post @ Testimony Tuesday

Holly’s blog, the link-up and this series have so blessed me. I signed up to do a guest post before the series opened. As each week passed, I cannot even begin to describe what gripped me ”“ fear? Anxiety? Inadequacy? Not sure. But this I know ”“ I have a...