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Steward. Fight. Worship.

It was a good week to jump into the study “Faithful Household of God”. We’re ever growing and hopefully, transforming, into the people God would have us to be. ~*~*~ In 1 Timothy 1:1-7, we find Paul addressing the topic of false teaching. He was...

Stories Told By Jesus

This past week, a new Bible Study began on Hello Mornings – “At My Savior’s Feet” – a six week study through the parables told by Jesus Himself, who loved a good story. Parables are a simple story that teach a lesson. The deeper meanings...

Everything We Need

The internet and social media have made it easy to see and know more than we need. We discover the good, the bad, and the ugly with the simple scroll of our mouse. In a recent text conversation this past week, I responded to the sad news of the failure of someone...