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Every Season {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

There’s a tree that sits on the edge of my neighbor’s yard. I watch it all year round as it is stunningly beautiful in every season. This fall it has been slowly speaking to my heart, as slowly as its leaves have turned their color. The turning was subtle,...

Grace & Much More

The book of Romans continues to hold a rich storehouse of encouragement. We began the week with reading Romans 5:1-5. I was struck by two things as I read: It is by grace that we stand and we have the ability to rejoice in hope. Paul tells us there are specific...

Our Hopeful Obedience

Obedience does not come easily to us. All one needs to do is spend time with a toddler and perhaps take note of how many times one needs to say , “No, no”. Trust me it is often! Two quotes crossed my path within a 24 hour period of time. Let me share …...

Sick of Me

We live in a world yearning for authenticity yet we post on social media the carefully, and beautifully, crafted parts of our lives. In so doing, we often lose ourselves as we become self-absorbed, superficial, and worn out. In her book, Sick of Me, Whitney Capps...

Through & Becoming

I had just finished giving her a bottle. Now I was free to sit and watch her. Just sit and take in all of her sweetness before me. I love holding her with her head by my knees so she is facing me and we can have eye to eye contact as we converse. Sure, it’s...