For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
As I read this verse, I realized how often it is quoted. But how often have I thought about what it was truly saying? I have been going back to this verse for the last few days. Here are the 3 points that it states:
- We are crafted by God. We are His workmanship. He formed us & made us with a purpose in mind. Much the way an artisan creates something to be used for a distinct purpose, He has created each of us with a distinct purpose.
- We are to do something good. He has placed us here to do good things. Things that will bring Him glory & cause Him to be recognized by those around us.
- Those good things have been prepared in advance for us. Before our lives even existed, He had a plan for us.
We each have been given life assignments that are specific to each of us. Those assignments are where we will feel alive in Christ & find satisfaction & fulfillment. God weaves people into our lives that are a part of what He has prepared for us. Each day has opportunities that have been prepared for us –
- a need to be met
- a kind word to be spoken
- a door held open
- a smile given
- a note written
- a prayer offered up
The things is – only YOU can do it. The people that cross your path may not cross mine. In reality, they probably won’t. So today, don’t miss the opportunities that He will place in front of you. You have a job to do & the truth is….
I. Can’t. Do. Your. Job.
And you can’t do mine.
I linked at Thought Provoking Thursday and Thoughtful Thurs. and Proverbs 31 Thurs. .
Thank you!