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I have begun to wonder about this whole concept as of late. Society has surely become enamored with this idea. My husband is GREAT at it.

To multitask is to, very simply, do two or more jobs at the same times. Yes, simultaneously.

But the question I have been pondering is this – Is it really good for us? What does it do to our brains when we multitask?

Believe me I get it. We pride ourselves on being able to do multiple jobs at the same time – answer phones, while doing work on the computer, writing, cooking dinner, taking care of the kids, folding laundry, etc. But are we really getting things done? Are we truly giving quality time to the task at hand or to the people in front of us?

I went away on vacation with these thoughts swirling in my head.

Vacation – an entire week to do nothing. OK, so my kids say I do that anyway šŸ™‚ But I actually had a stretch of time, laid out for me by which I did not need to do anything that I did not want to. And so, I was all there…. We played games the six of us. We debated whether or not our answers were valid to fit the category. We laughed at the ridiculousness of our answers. We played cards till midnight. The four of us sitting around a table, facing one another, every night. We laughed till our sides hurt. We snacked till our stomachs hurt. We did not need to be anywhere else but THERE. All there. No multitasking for a week.

And that is when it hit me. Multitasking is not a good thing. It splinters us so that each task gets a piece of us but never gets all of us. It divides our minds. And it is addictive.

It is addictive because it gives a sense of importance or of ability. We think we are capable of doing MORE. More than most people. More than is expected of us. And it is a lie. Totally false. Our minds begin to lose their ability to focus on one thing or one person. The more that we are attempting to focus on at the same time, the more stress we also feel. We lose our ability to rest.

Scripture puts it this way:

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

(Isaiah 26:3 NKJV)

There it is – our minds in one place, on One Person, Him –> peace. Perfect peace.

Today I am linking with Titus 2sdays and Teach Me Tuesday and True Story and Unite and Titus 2 Tuesday and Wisdom Wed. and A Little R&R and Doing You Well and Wed. Prayer Girls .