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Palm Sunday.

The day Jesus made His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Palms wave. The people throw their coats down on the ground. The people cheer.

Yet hidden in this familiar scene, I took note of something I had not seen before ….

A Divine Errand.

Jesus instructs two of his disciples: “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, “Why are you doing this?” tell him, “The Lord needs it and will send it back shortly.” (Mark 11:2-3).

Jesus sends two of His disciples on an errand for Him. They are to get the colt, on which He will ride into Jerusalem. From that day forward, this one ride would be recorded, remembered, and celebrated as what we now know as “Palm Sunday”.

As they went into the village, they must have had questions swirling in their minds, perhaps even voiced aloud to each other ….

  • “How does He know there will be a colt?”
  • “Will we be stealing it?”
  • “Will the owner give it to us willingly?”
  • “Does this make sense to you?”
  • “Did you know He was going to ask us to do this?”
  • “Do you think we can do this and perhaps no one will notice?”
  • “Why me?”
  • “Do you know what He is going to do after this?”

Those poor disciples. They could not have known what their day was going to entail when they woke up that very morning. But they went and did exactly as they were instructed.

And so I noticed this about the very things He may ask of me to do. The divine errand …

  1. I may not ever know the reason.
  2. It probably will not make sense to me.
  3. I need to obey and leave the outcome to Him.

See here’s the thing about divine errands and the One behind them,

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

He thinks and works differently than me. He knows the results He is looking to bring about. Our God is a results oriented God. He has a specific purpose in mind. Situations may not always make sense in our lives, at the moment. It probably did not that very day as they untied the colt. Only when they looked back could they then see, it was all in His plan and they had been on …

  A Divine Errand.


~~~For a chance to win the newly released, “Spiritual Misfit” by Michelle DeRusha, click here. The giveaway is open until Friday midnight.

Today I am joining … Three Word Wed. and Wed. Prayer Girls and Wedded Wed. and Wordless Wed. and Works For Me and Wholehearted Wed. and Winsome Wed. and Whimsical Wed. and A Little R & R and Imperfect Prose and Words of Life Wed. .