The disciples – a most diverse group of men. They were each called by Jesus to come and follow Him.
John has always held my interest probably because he hailed himself as “the disciple Jesus loved”. It was not said in a way meant to brag which is what I always have found curious. Yet on at least two occasions, he refers to himself in that manner …
In sitting at a dinner table with the twelve disciples, Jesus states that one of them would betray Him. In the Gospel of John, John writes:
His disciples stared at one another, at a loss to know which of them he meant. One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him.
(John 13:23, NIV)
After His death and resurrection, Jesus has a conversation with a few on the shore after they had been out fishing. Peter, who had betrayed Jesus, was included in the group and invited, once more, to follow Jesus. Again John writes …
Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (John 21:20, NIV)
John was a disciple who knew he was loved by Jesus. In his writing, he constantly reminded himself of his identity and relationship with Christ. He also reminded himself, and us, of the benefits obtained from this relationship:
- We are children of God. John knew he was a child of God and would always remain so. “Dear friend, we are already God’s children.” (1 John 3:2. NLT) John knew he did not need to strive to enter nor remain in God’s family. He was already in.
- The victory was won. John knew battles would be fought in his life and in ours. But he remain confident victory was his – in and through Christ. “But you belong to God, dear children. You have already won a victory, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater that the spirit who lives in the world.”
(1 John 4:4, NLT)
John used this word to denote an action which was completely done or accomplished. It was similar to him saying, “You were previously and completely made a child of God” and “The victory was previously and completely won”.
Being assured of our identity then assures us of what we are now able to do …. love.
In so reminding himself (and us) of these truths, he tells us we are able to love others because of Whose we are. In this letter of 1 John, John uses the word “love” 43 times. This was a man who not only knew Jesus loved him but lived in the confidence he was able to love others through God’s Spirit in him.
Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God.
(1 John 4:7, NLT)Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.
(1 John 4:11, NLT)We love each other because he loved us first. (1 John 4:19, NLT)
 Identity matters.
It assures us of who we are.
It reminds of what has been done.
It encourages us to do what we know to do.
 Today I am joining … Inspire Me Mon. and Mon. Musings and Unforced Rhythms and Making Your Home Sing and Create With Joy and Motivation Mon. .
Oh, that we will remember every day what has been done for us! Great post, Joanne!
Holly, it has amazed me how we can so easily “forget” to keep these truths in the forefront of our minds. And it truly makes all the difference in our day. So blessed to have crossed paths with you!
the photo beckons, the words reach out and grab gently. there is an invitation here …
So grateful it all drew you to His invite. I hope you are having a great week!
Love this! That we could all be “the one whom Jesus loved” – if we could only take that to heart and really live into it!
Kathryn – We each truly are “the one whom Jesus loved”. Now for us to live in that truth. Every day. So glad you shared!
I sometimes have to remind myself that the victory is ALREADY mine, already won and paid for. Thanks for this reminder today. Such a great, great truth that needs to always be remembered!
It is amazing the difference that one word makes. May we live in all that is ALREADY ours!
Great word Joanne. Such a great reminder. God Bless
Thank you so much, Angie. Have a great Wed.!
great post
Yes: Already in. Already won. Already loved.
THAT is the foundation.
Thank you, Joanne. This is important work, indeed.
It has amazed me at the difference that one word makes – ALREADY. May we live in this truth. Have a great week, Kelli!
What a beautiful reminder of something so important. When I can grasp my identity as one loved by God, I know I love differently. And it isn’t something I can do on my own. Only by the Spirit. Thank you so much for sharing this and linking up with us over at Inspire Me Monday. 🙂
It is so true, Sarah. Knowing who we are makes such a difference in the way we live out our days. So glad our paths have crossed!