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The Book of James continues on, not mincing words in James 2 …..

  1. Favoritism is a deep and insidious root. A quick overview revealed James was dealing with a problem we still struggle to overcome. The author of this study asked a thought provoking question, “Do we trample over the hearts and lives of those we deem less worthy?” (Jenni Keller) James puts it this way, “My dear brothers and sisters, how can you claim to have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ if you favor some people over others?” (James 2:1, NLT)
  2. We all make distinctions. If we’re honest, we all do. Why is that? From early on in life, we learn to judge people and their actions. James warns us when we make distinctions, we become judges and our “judgments are guided by evil motives” (verse 4, NLT).
  3. The remedy for favoritism. James not only writes of the issue, but thankfully, tells us what we need to do to bring correct ourselves. James reminds us of the “royal law as found in the Scriptures.ƂĀ  “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
    James 2:8-9, NLT) May we remember, we will be judged with the same standard we use to judge others. Let’s opt to choose mercy – every single time.
  4. What is faith? James pointed out that our faith will demand more of us. “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” (James 2:17, NLT) While works is not what achieves saving faith, knowing Him will result in us doing His good work.
  5. Are we merely talking? The Message asks this provoking question, “Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really ‘has it’?” If we truly believe, we will not be complacent. Our faith will bear fruit. Our lives will display a “seamless unity of believing and doing” (MSG). Others will see our faith actively being lived out each day.


Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday andƂĀ  #SmallWonder and Playdates With God and Sharing His Beauty and Reflect .