“Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” (Luke 8:50, NIV1984)
This verse sits, written on an index card in a frame, on my kitchen window sill. I knew in my heart, it would need to be visible for the journey which was to come.
New Year’s Eve was the last day of 2014 and the beginning of our journey, as it was also the day of her first chemo treatment. There are no words to express all which I felt as the IV started and the aggressive chemicals flowed through her veins.
Later that night, after everyone had gone home, I sat alone praying for a word, a single word, to focus on for the year. I longed for a word which would bring hope and courage for the coming months. He brought the word, and also The Word, my “rhema” word (the Scripture for a particular situation), through the above Scripture. He infused me, in that moment, with faith to believe.
To believe, when my eyes and emotions would tell me otherwise. To believe His Word, instead of the circumstances.
“We must cease to accept the visible as if it’s the only possible solution and start believing what God says over what man sees.” (Beth Moore, Believing God)
We need to have our faith renewed, awakened, and strengthened.
The visible is not always the only possible solution.
And solutions are not always visible.
Our God can, and does, work in the unseen.
The ways of our God remain mysterious to me. And so they should. For He alone is God. And we are man.
He is infinite. Our minds remain finite.
There have been times when I have believed and seen Him respond “Yes”. There are other times, when I did not receive what I had believed and asked. In His infinite and precious wisdom, He gave the answer, “No, this is not to be.” And there have been times, He gave the answer, “Not yet” and gave the strength to yet, believe.
To believe for the miraculous, the impossible truly does present such a quandary.
But here is what I am learning –
I would rather risk believing, and not receiving,
than not receive because I did not risk believing.
Today I am joining … Testimony Tuesday and Intentional Tuesday and True Story and #RaRaLinkup and Reflect .
Love what you say about God working in the unseen. Love that He’s always at work, even when we have no idea what He’s doing. Thanks for sharing today. (((blessings)))
I am so grateful that He is always at work. May we both just believe! Always.
I’m with you ~ let’s risk and believe. Seems as though there’s nothing to lose but fear…and all of Jesus to gain. #LoveyouJesus Visiting today via #IntentionalTuesday
Kristi, you said it so beautiful. May we just believe & all of Jesus gain! Thank you for blessing me with your words!
I love those last lines: I would rather risk believing and not receiving than not receive because I did not risk believing. Believe. I’m believing with you. Blessings-your next door neighbor over at Reflect.
May we start a revolution of believing. So glad you stopped!
“The solutions are not always visible.” I forget this all too often. I try to solve problems and arrange solutions in my own strength. It takes a concerted effort to refocus on the truth…just believe, and be healed. Thank you for that reminder today, Joanne!! It’s nice “meeting” you this week:)
It is so true, Meg, that we do try to do much in our strength. May we stay focused on Him & believe Him to do that which we cannot. Blessings!
I’m with you on taking that risk: I’d rather believe and maybe not receive after all than not receive BECAUSE I didn’t believe. I love that Beth Moore book, it influenced me greatly. I hope your friend/family member with cancer is doing okay?
Yes, all is well here – and we are thanking God for His faithfulness. Believing God truly has changed me greatly. And I pull it out every once in a while as a “refresher” 🙂
In can be scary to go all in, can’t it?! Lately, God has been showing me that belief and trust are tied up in obedience. God calls us to obey, even when we don’t understand or don’t like what He’s doing – He wants us to believe. Which for me means letting go of control, which I’m so not good at. Here is to believing Him because He is worthy!
Tiffany, you raise a most interesting point – it is hardest to obey when we don’t like what He is doing. It is then that we need to believe most & believe that all He does is good. So grateful that you shared!
“Our God can, and does, work in the unseen.” Amen. He is showing me this more and more. I am choosing to believe with you today. Thank you for this. Such powerful words here. Blessed to have you at #RaRaLinkup with week.
So glad you stopped, Abby. Your comment brought to mind a quote I have written in the back of my Bible >>> “Faith is believing what we do not see & the reward for this kind of faith is to see what we believe.” (St. Augustine)
There is wisdom in your words, Joanne, “To believe His Word, instead of the circumstances.” I love what you are learning through believing. Let’s continue to believe and trust in the God who is faithful. Thank you, Joanne, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )
Crystal, I continue to be amazed at just how much one word can teach in a year. It’s always good to join you!
As long as we have life, there is always HOPE. Believe even in the face of adversity. Your post today encourages my heart. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.
Hazel, you encourage so many that I am grateful you found encouragement here. It is always good to stop & learn each week from one of your stories. May you have a blessed Sunday!
It’s definitely a risk worth taking because God is in it.
Amen! It truly is!