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School has finished here with only teachers and administrators continuing to go in each day. This means for two weeks, both of my granddaughters come spend time with me.

We are spending the days at “Mimi’s Basketball and Frisbee Camp” running ourselves ragged as I attempt to teach the girls two of our families’ favorite sports. I am not sure who is going to bed more tired these days – them or me – but it has been fun.

I woke this morning, wondering what had been on my mind in Junes past. I found this memory and had to share it with you, somewhat edited. It struck a chord as a friend recently commented to me about her VBS preparations. May each Sunday School and VBS teacher be encouraged and know you truly can make a difference in a child’s life.

It started with  a barbecue ….

Our family was enjoying the beautiful weather. Our stomachs were full as we had eaten. Our hearts were full with some good conversation. We were just relaxing when the interaction between Sophia and Poppy began. Sophia, just about 2 1/2 years old, was playing with the toys in her water table.

Sophia: “Poppy, can you put your foots up here for a minute?”

He complies, takes off his boat shoe and rests his foot on the top of the water table.

Sophia begins to pour water from her bucket onto his feet. With her other hand, she begins to rub the sole of his foot, then the top of his foot. It is when she begins to go between his toes that I exclaimed, “Don’t let her do that! That is gross!”

Sophia: “No! I need to wash Poppy’s dirty foots like the man.”

Me: “What man?”.

Sophia: “Jesus. He washed the mans foots because they were dirty. I am like Jesus.”


Having worked in her Kids Connection Class for 2 weeks, I quickly realized that Sophia had indeed absorbed her story time into her little heart and mind. Amidst the children getting up and down, moving the chairs in circle time, falling off their chairs in circle time, playing with a toy in their hands, looking all around – Sophia, and probably the others as well, had learned about Jesus. They had learned about humility. They had learned the importance of being a servant.

Profound silence as we watched her do that simple task. I never even thought to run and grab my camera until everyone had gone home. None of us thought to even move.

Can we even conceive of what the disciples felt at that moment when Christ began to wash their feet? What did it feel like to have the King of heaven wash their feet? Could they even begin to realize the impact it would have for all time? The impact it would have on a little girl’s life? On my life?

“So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him.”  (John 13: 4, 5). 

Sometimes the most profound lessons are learned right in our own backyards.

foot washing



Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thursday and Grace Moments .