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A wealthy woman lived in a town Elisha traveled through often. Whenever he was in town, he would stop at her home for something to eat. Nothing too odd about this as many people have the gift of hospitality.

One day she suggests to her husband that they build a small room for him on the roof and supply him with a place to sleep, a table, a chair, and a lamp. In so doing, he would have a place to stay whenever he comes by.

Tucked into the story is her reason for wanting to do so:

“She said to her husband, “I am sure this man who stops by from time to time is a holy man of God” (2 Kings 4:9, NLT).

From his frequent stops for a meal, Elisha had left an impression, and a good one at that. In the simple act of stopping to share a meal while traveling, she had observed something about Elisha which was different.

“When he came she sensed God’s presence with him.

What are people sensing about us? We all leave impressions of some kind. Do they register that we are clever? that we are gifted? Elisha’s visits had one conscious effect: they left on that home an impression of God Himself.”

(from Tables in the Wilderness by Watchman Nee, April 23rd)

Paul also has something to say to us about the impressions we leave behind:

“… Now he [God] uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God.”
(2 Corinthians 2:14b-15a, NLT).

The impression we leave behind on others is what they will remember of us long after we have left the room, and often it can be hard to change. May we leave others grateful for having been together with us.

Our time together should be like a sweet fragrance. One that is pleasant. One others will want to breathe in and take fully.

Our lives – a Christ like fragrance,
leaving an impression wherever we go.


Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Porch Stories and Tell His Story and Coffee For Your Heart and Woman to Woman and Recharge Wednesday and Grace Full Tuesday .