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“They soon forgot His works; they did not wait for His counsel.” (Psalm 106:13)

Humans are quick to forget. You forget the good and dwell on the bad. You get hurried and harried. You go out before Him instead of waiting on His hand to lead you in the right way at the right time. You accuse Him of withholding good gifts.

Stop today. Erect for yourself an altar of remembrance. Name the places and times God has blessed you beyond measure.

God is for you. Just as His heart was for the Israelite people, His heart beats for all who call Jesus Lord and Savior. Remember Him. Count your blessings. Trust God, who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Prayer: Father, help me be faithful. To remember the wheres and whens of Your hand of blessing on me and my life. Find me loyal and thankful this day. Amen.

(taken from Daily Wisdom for Women, 2018 Devotional Collection, July 12)