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The days of this pandemic crisis continue on, one day blending into another, making it easy to lose sight of time. Some days seem like they could come right out of the story line from a drama series or sci-fi movie. It would be more than wonderful to wake up one morning and be told it has all passed and life can resume as before.

The psalmist expresses it well in Psalm 126:

“When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy.” (verses 1-2, NLT)

I long for that day to come, as I am sure we all do. In this time of waiting, we want to awaken from this time and be restored to the joy and laughter we once had.

But we cannot deny these days are doing a much needed work. These days are a turning point, they are momentous, shifting us to what should be our point of focus.

As the captives make their return from exile, they longed for their to be a unified purpose, and asked for the Book of the Law of Moses to be read to them. They hungered for the Word, remaining standing for the three hours God’s Word was read to them. Then for three hours more they confessed their sins and worshiped the Lord (see Nehemiah 8-9).

“It is after the darkest times in history that God has made the pure truth of his light to shine the brightest.”

(Steven J. Lawson, from Holman Old Testament Commentary, Vol.12)

So what can we be doing in the midst of these days?


Won’t you join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE where I’ll share about the soul awakening we need.


Photo by Emma on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday .