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The afternoons are getting chillier and I find myself doing what usually occurs this time of year. Tea.

Between the quietness of the afternoon and the warmth of the savored cup of tea, lies a time of restoration. It is one of my favorite times of day.

Let me ask you a question: Which would you rather – a teabag in its wrapper or a nice mug of steaming tea?

Let’s be honest. We both know the answer to that question. The cup of tea, brewed just the way we like it would be our choice – every time.

For it is not until the tea bag comes out of its pouch and gets submerged into the boiling water that the true flavor is released. The hotter the water, the longer the tea bag is left to seep, the better the flavor.

Is this really any different than our lives?

We all would so much rather have life go along without difficulties. No complications to speak of. Life, neat and tidy, much like the teabag still in its wrapping.

But would we be as authentic? Would our faith be as precious?


Join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE and let’s talk about the testing of our faith.


Photo by TeaCora Rooibos on Unsplash
Today I may be joining … Inspire Me Monday .