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Covenant, Redemption & Prayer

It is amazing to me how quickly these weeks roll by. We started the week with reading Genesis 15:17; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:18; and Ephesians 2:8-9. The topic: Our Covenant Making – Covenant Keeping God. I think at times I forget how seriously our God...

Willing Hearts & Eyes On Jesus

We started off last week with reading in Matthew 17. There we find the story of the father who brings his son to Jesus for healing because the disciples could not. We all have been given gifts by which we are able to bless others. The Holy Spirit enables each of us to...

Fresh Starts, Freedom, and Prayer

We began the week with reading Psalm 19:12-13; Psalm 119:153; Psalm 31:9; and Psalm 119:132. All wonderful verses – the topic? Unintentional sin – those we fall into that weren’t willful or habitual. In the devotional, the words used to describe God...

God’s Ongoing Encouragement

For the month of October, our Bible Study group is returning to the devotional, Awaken, by Priscilla Shirer. ~*~*~ “I and the children the Lord has given me serve as signs and warnings to Israel from the Lord of Heaven’s Armies who dwells in his Temple on...

Worship. Hope. Compassion.

Our time in the devotional “Awaken” by Priscilla Shirer came to a close for now … ~*~*~ “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are...