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Called Out

Having read, and greatly enjoyed, Lighthouse Faith by Lauren Green, a Fox News Religion Correspondent, I jumped at the opportunity to read True Calling by Paula Faris, an ABC news reporter and former co-host of The View. Called Out is the personal and transparent...


As a person who has often put her tail between her legs and run, I have so been encouraged in reading Stay by Anjuli Paschall. Our humanness will, most times, call us to run from pain and to avoid the hard. In the middle of a pandemic, we have no choice but to stay...

Secrets of the Happy Soul

Our country, and our world, are in the middle of a pandemic which is challenging us all to rise above. In her book, Secrets Of The Happy Soul, Katie Orr shares the one true path to happiness. How do we do it? How do we stay in God’s Word and experience the life...
How to Love Your Neighbor

How to Love Your Neighbor

Evangelism is something which does not come easy for most people. It certainly has not come easy for me. It conjures up images of going door to door, Bible in one hand and tracts in the other. Oh yeah, been there and done that and it wasn’t overly successful....
The Pleasure Of His Company

The Pleasure Of His Company

Let a crisis hit, a wound reopen, or fear strike and you soon find out who it is you want to call. There is something about the person who is close to God which draws you to them in the time of need. I have found this to be true time and time again in my own life. I...