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We Pass Through the Valley

We Pass Through the Valley

Being a person who is unable to watch anything tense or scary, when alone at night I tend to flip to HGTV and watch a few shows. The ending is always good: Perspective buyers always buy their dream home in thirty minutes. Seriously, it took us over a year when looking...
Sacrifice is the Beginning

Sacrifice is the Beginning

  The days leading up to Easter bring us to reflect much on the sacrifice, death, and resurrection of our Lord. Maybe this is the reason the verse poked at my soul for a few days. “He said, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the...

An Encounter With a Burning Bush

The story of Moses and his encounter at the burning bush remains amazing, no matter how many times it is read. Let’s gather around and take a closer look at this experience. Moses is pasturing the flock of his father-in-law, tending to his mundane daily...

Three Benedictions For You

One of the resources included in the Bible Study, The Lord’s Prayer by The Daily Grace Co. is a list of benedictions found in Scripture. We are taking two weeks to go through them one by one … ~*~*~  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and...

He Promises To Be With Us

The day had come ”“ the Israelites were going to enter the Promised Land but they would be doing so without their leader. Moses had taken them as far as God was going to permit him to go. Moses prepares them, delivering a farewell speech, as he truly knew the nature...